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D e itjnå som kjæm tå sæ sjøl

(Hans Rotmo)


I perioden 1866 - 1927 reiste i alt ca. 40 personer med tilknytning fra Lian, Lund og Smines til Amerika. Noen kom tilbake, men de fleste ble værende.

Vi har forsøkt å lage en oversikt over disse og vil supplere opplysningene om hver enkelt og deres etterkommere etter hvert.

Nr. 5 - Mikal Edvard Torgersen Lund

f. 11.05.1853, Lund, Kolvereid, Norge, d. 05.01.1940, Vining, Otter Tail County, Minnesota, USA

Hans foreldre: Torger Baltsersen Lund (Herten)

f. 02.04.1797, Herten, Alstahaug, Nordland, d. 01.03.1865, Lund, Kolvereid, NT og h. Boletta Margrethe Andreasdtr. Åstøen, dpt. 17.05.1807, Fosnes, d. 06.06.1885, Kolvereid

Ungkar Edvard Torgersen Lund (Stor-Edvard) har et barn med pike Oline Margrethe Jensdtr. Haranes, f. 17.11.1854, Haranes, d. 13.08.1929:

1. Mariane Josefine Edvardsdtr., f. 05.10.1878, Haranes, Lund, Kolvereid

Olines foreldre: Jens Johannesen Møinichen (Haranes), f. 01.03.1827, Haranes, Lund, Kolvereid, d. 13.12.1896, Haranes og h. Mari Olsdtr., f. xx.xx.1824, Ringebu, d. xx.xx.1880, Haranes

Edvard utvandret til USA, 12.06.1889 reiste han fra Trondheim til Vining, Minnesota.

g. 26.07.09xx m. Isabella (Bella) Olson, f. 17.06.1880, Norge, d. 30.08.1966, Vining, Otter Tail County, Minnesota

Bellas foreldre: Ellev Olsen, f. 07.10.1858, Krødsherad, Buskerud, d. 27.01.1944, Otter Tail og h. Martha Gundersdtr., f. 24.03.1859, Ødegaardseie, Krødsherad, d. 01.05.1938, Otter Tail

Edvard og Bellas barn:

2. Ruth L., f. ca.1904, Minnesota (stedatter)

3. Boletta M., f. 15.10.1910

Han kjøpte først en farm i Vining, Nidaros Township, Otter Tail County, Minnesota, USA, som han senere solgte. Deretter flyttet han til North Dakota. Der kjøpte han 160 acres, hvor han bodde en tid. Senere solgte han igjen og flyttet tilbake til Otter Tail County og kjøpte 80 acres i Folden Township.

Amerikanske folketellinger viser følgende ang. hans bosted:

1895    hos sin bror, Andrew T. Lund i Vining, Otter Tail County, Minnesota

1900    hos sin bror, Andrew T. Lund i Nidaros Township, Otter Tail County, Minnesota

1910    eget bosted i Vining, Nidaros Township, Otter Tail County, Minnesota

1920    eget bosted i Vining, Nidaros Township, Otter Tail County, Minnesota

1930    eget bosted i Vining, Otter Tail County, Minnesota

Edvard Torgersen Lund

Utklipp fra John Wintermute Masons bok «History of Otter Tail County, Minnesota:


A prominent and well-known man of Otter Tail county and of the town of Vining is Edward T. Lund, who was a man of business and as a citizen interested in the public welfare has been of valuable aid to the community

in the development of its life and in the advancement of its measures.

Edward T. Lund is a member of one of the most noted ami highly-esteemed families of the entire district and has demonstrated himself to lie a man capable of handling the more important matters presenting themselves to solution at the hands of the citizenship of the township and county.

Edward T. Lund was born at Lund, near Namsos, Norway, on May 11, 1853, and following his education in the public schools of his native land he was engaged as a sailor and fisherman until 1889, when he came to

America and joined his brother, Andrew T. Lund, at Vining, Minnesota, with whom he lived until the death of Andrew T. Lund, in 1908.

Edward T. Lund, following his emigration to this country, engaged in the business of a carpenter and a contractor, which vocation lie has followed since.

Edward T. Lund, during- the early days of his residence in Otter Tail county, bought a farm, which he later - sold and moved to the state of North Dakota, where he took up a homestead of one hundred and sixty acres of land, on which he lived for some time and then sold his holdings and returned to Otter Tail county, Minnesota, where he invested in eighty acres of land in Folden township, a place which he now owns.

During the year 1906 Edward T. Lund purchased a house and lot in the town of Vining, where he now lives.

On July 26, Edward T. Lund was married to Isabella Olson, who was born in Norway, and when three years of age came, with her parents, Elaf Olson and wife, to America, where they settled in Folden township, Otter Tail county, where Elaf Olson now lives. To the marriage of Edward T. and Isabella Lund was born one daughter, Boletta Margaretta, whose birth occurred on October 15, 1910.

Edward T. Lund and his wife are members of the Lutheran church, where they take a leading part in the activities of that congregation. To political affiliation, Mr. Lund is a Republican.

By his pleasing ways and genial personality, Edward T. Lund has won a host of friends in Vining, and he is conceded to be one of the leaders in all moves for the betterment of life and general conditions in the locality. He is a man of various and broad experience in life, and from the benefit of these things he lends to the community a valuable element which is of appreciable value.


Egne slektsnotater

Gunnar Lund: Nærøy bygdebok, bind II

John Wintermute Mason: «History of Otter Tail County, Minnesota»

Oppdatert 18.11.2024 Htg